Rebecca Hurst 
15th May - 12th June 2023
The Dart Foyer

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Rebecca Hurst is a semi-abstract artist based in Winchester, Hampshire, known for her vibrant and diverse artwork. Her artistic style encompasses abstracts, still life, and landscapes. She draws inspiration from her surrounding landscapes, including farmland, coastal areas, and architecture.

Rebecca's creative process involves exploring her local environment and capturing moments that catch her attention with her phone or her husband's. She takes photographs of various subjects, finding inspiration in unexpected places such as farmyard machinery, rust, and decay. Even these seemingly mundane objects can spark an idea for a painting in her mind.

Color plays a significant role in Rebecca's artwork, and she has a deep appreciation for the interplay between natural and man-made elements. She finds fascination in the contrasts between the textures, shapes, and tones found in both environments. These variations serve as a wellspring of inspiration for her artistic endeavors.

Through her paintings, Rebecca Hurst seeks to convey the essence of her experiences and observations, infusing them with her unique perspective and interpretation. Her work showcases a blend of abstract and representational elements, capturing the beauty and complexity of the world around her.